It has been a minute since I have been in here, sharing. I have been learning, trying, redirecting, reshaping, going and going to finally resting. A friend once told me about remembering to be a hedgehog, sometimes we are out rolling around moving but it is also good and necessary at times to retract in. Fall is starting to settle in which is always a reminder to slow down, my favorite speed but I need some reminding. The arrival of my new nephew on the harvest moon has been just that, to come down to his level and enjoy the little moments as he comes into this new being on the earth. Finding inspiration in the youth and my role as a grown-up here in this particular time on earth, how to support, shape and nurture. Yesterday we saw massive amount of kids and allies for the Climate Strike, young voices rising up to claim their own future. Greta Thunberg has given me hope and the reminder of how important our voices are, we should use them for good. Her ambition to keep on going is incredible, I stumbled across this picture of her when she first started on her school strike, sitting alone. This image hit me, for someone who sees forward and have put into motion ideas and concepts that sometimes feel like don’t exist quite yet, I could relate to starting down a road on your own. When we follow our hearts it takes tremendous courage and strength to keep going, even more to just start that path. Greta’s journey and love for earth has inspired so many people to stand behind her, a whole world stood up yesterday. I am inspired greatly by her, may her efforts ripple more and more out into the world.
As an artist, creator, this is a constant for me, often wanting to give up, carving out a path for yourself is not easy. I suppose following your dreams and heart never is, there will always be a variety of opinions, alternative routes and paths we could choose. What matters most is committing to the path you choose and loving every minute of it, the heavenly highs and getting down to the nitty gritty, dirty details. Always working towards that bigger dream. Sometimes the work comes from knowing when to settle into that flow, do less, let all the work you have been putting out there meet you where you are at and rest in that support.
Believing in anything these days can be a challenge, believing in ourselves and each other takes a lot of trust and faith.